Dienstag, 23. Mai 2017

[Filmreview] Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2

Marvel Studios surpassed themselves

With the sequel of their 2014 modern nostalgia trip „Guardians of the Galaxy” the Marvel Studios finally started the third phase of their legacy. Written and directed by James Gunn und performed by award-winning actors like Vin Diesel, Chris Pratt, Zoe Saldana or Bradley Cooper, another Marvel comic had come to screen – with thrill from the first till the last second.

After having saved the whole galaxy for the first time in Volume 1 of this about to be trilogy, the Guardians are facing another catastrophe they have to eliminate – of course in accordance with the whole universe. Peter Quill a.k.a. Star-Lord, Gamora, Drax, Rocket and the rejuvenated Groot, firstly recruited by the so called Sovereigns to protect energy cells, soon become hunted by their employers because of a little misunderstanding. In addition, Peter’s father, Ego, who was missing for more than thirty years, suddenly appears and wants to be the father he never could be. Moreover, he is a god. Ego takes the Guardians to his planet which amazingly consists of himself. But nothing is like it seems to be – not even the lucky family reunion.

This action-packed movie set in the whole universe, mainly on Ego’s planet, captivates his audience with much sense of humour but also with some very emotional scenes that drive tears to your eyes. The characters have to surpass themselves and I really admire that Rocket, Drax and Groot are not like sidekicks for Star-Lord or Gamora but have their own good and bad characteristics. Even though their story is set in a complete other universe than ours you as a viewer will be able to connect with the situation and the heroes. Moreover, the soundtrack (70s and 80s music) supports the characters and the binding action.

This production is a must-see for Marvel but also for action fans. With humour and emotions “Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2” is an audience pleaser and very worth seeing. On a scale from zero to ten, I give this film a certain ten. I was really impressed by the feeling it got me into and how it amused and fascinated me to keep watching this truly great piece of filmmaking. Go watch it. It will not be a waste of time.

 "Warum das?" wird sich der eine oder andere jetzt vielleicht gefragt haben. Eine Filmreview in englischer Sprache gab es hier auf meinem Blog noch nie. Und vermutlich wird es sie auch nie wieder in solcher Form geben. Da wir jedoch für den Englischunterricht unsere Meinung über einen Film unserer Wahl in Worte fassen und ich wollte meine mit euch teilen - auch wenn sie in Englisch ist.

Die Kurzfassung:
Ein genialer, emotionaler und actionreicher Film, den man gesehen haben sollte!

Liebe Grüße, eure Sophia!

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