Hallo, liebe Leser!
Heute stelle ich euch ein weiteres kleines neues Projekt vor, das ich im nächsten Jahr gerne fortsetzen würde und mir auch auf den Blogs anderer Blogger sehr gut vorstellen kann. "Read my favorite book" kommt einem Reading with sehr nahe, nur dass man eben nicht das gleiche Buch liest, sondern das jeweilige Lieblingsbuch seines Partners.
Ich stelle mich dieser kleinen Challenge in der ersten Runde mit einer wirklich guten Freundin namens Bea, die ebenso büchervernarrt ist wie ich, wenn sie auch keinen Blog pflegt. Dafür liest sie wahnsinnig gerne Bücher in Englisch, was mich immer noch ein wenig abgeschreckt habe. Doch in diesem chiasmischen Reading With werden wir beide nun ein englisches Buch lesen.
Beas Lieblingsbuch:
A court of thorns and roses by Sarah J. Maas
When nineteen-year-old huntress
Feyre kills a wolf in the woods, a beast-like creature arrives to demand
retribution for it. Dragged to a treacherous magical land she only
knows about from legends, Feyre discovers that her captor is not an
animal, but Tamlin—one of the lethal, immortal faeries who once ruled
their world.
As she dwells on his estate, her feelings for Tamlin transform from
icy hostility into a fiery passion that burns through every lie and
warning she’s been told about the beautiful, dangerous world of the Fae.
But an ancient, wicked shadow over the faerie lands is growing, and
Feyre must find a way to stop it…or doom Tamlin—and his world—forever. Q (Werbung)
Mein Lieblingsbuch:
Taking Chances by Molly McAdams
Her first year away is turning out to be nearly perfect, but one weekend of giving in to heated passion will change everything
Eighteen-year-old Harper has grown up under the thumb of her career marine father. Ready to live life her own way and to experience things she's only ever heard of from the jarheads in her father's unit, she's on her way to college at San Diego State University.
Thanks to her new roommate, Harper is introduced to a world of parties, gorgeous guys, family, and emotions. She finds herself being torn in two as she quickly falls in love with both her new boyfriend, Brandon, and her roommate's brother, Chase. Despite their dangerous looks and histories, both men adore Harper and would do anything for her, including taking a step back if it would mean she'd be happy. Q (Werbung)
Eighteen-year-old Harper has grown up under the thumb of her career marine father. Ready to live life her own way and to experience things she's only ever heard of from the jarheads in her father's unit, she's on her way to college at San Diego State University.
Thanks to her new roommate, Harper is introduced to a world of parties, gorgeous guys, family, and emotions. She finds herself being torn in two as she quickly falls in love with both her new boyfriend, Brandon, and her roommate's brother, Chase. Despite their dangerous looks and histories, both men adore Harper and would do anything for her, including taking a step back if it would mean she'd be happy. Q (Werbung)
Im Laufe des Monats werden Bea und ich uns nun diesen beiden Büchern stellen und sie hoffentlich genauso genießen wie der jeweils andere es bereits getan hat. Was ich vor allem sehr interessant finde, ist, dass meine Lieblingsautorin Molly McAdams Beas Lieblingsbuch ebenso liebt wie sie, weshalb es mir ja beinahe gefallen MUSS. Ich bin bereits wahnsinnig gespannt und lasse euch gerne noch ein wenig mehr über diese Challenge wissen, wenn ihr mögt.
Liebe Grüße, eure Sophia
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